How to Make Money Without a Website

How To Make Money Without a Website

The Game Has Changed

How To Make Money Without a Website. Making money online is no longer a dream for the average person. The internet has changed the game and access is open to anyone who has a computer and an internet connection. Now, even kids can make money online by completing simple tasks and making videos.  This is because the Internet offers many lucrative opportunities for income. Most people will start with a website in order to build their online world, but you can also make money without building your own website.

Making money without a website might sound like an impossible task, but the following are a few ideas to get started without having a website.


✔️ Sell other people’s products,

✅ Freelance work,

✔️ Affiliate marketing,

✅ Monetize social media,

✔️ Article writing.


“Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed” -George Burns

Selling other people’s products.

Selling other people’s products is a great way to start building an online e-commerce business. Products can be sold on Amazon, eBay and Etsy. Along with the Facebook marketplace, these are all good options if you’re looking to make money without a website.

These sites offer free accounts and especially Amazon, eBay and Etsy offer similar features to get you started. These include:

A storefront where customers can find what they’re looking for

✔️ The ability to list items in different categories based on price or popularity

Customer reviews so that shoppers can see how others feel about the product before buying it

Freelance Work

There are a number of freelancing sites online where you can advertise and monetize your skills as a digital freelancer. Sites liver Fiverr and Upwork allow a variety of skills to be monetized without the need for a personal website. Some of the most popular skills that people monetize are as follows:

Freelance writing: If you have a knack for writing, then freelance work is an easy way to make money.

Transcription: This is one of the most popular ways to make money without a website, but it’s also one of the hardest. You’ll need decent typing skills and good equipment. If you find yourself transcribing audio files into text documents or other files on a regular basis, this may be a viable opportunity for you.

Translation: Translation jobs are great because they usually pay well and don’t require much setup time or technical knowledge. Most translation programs let users upload texts via email or through their website. Once submitted by users in either format, translators have access to these documents so that they can begin translating them immediately after receiving them

Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is when you get paid to promote other people’s products or services. You can set up a campaign for a product you like, and then get paid when a sale is made. Most companies will have an affiliate program to which you can apply for.

As an affiliate, you will be given a unique link which you can promote on popular online sites such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. If you’re not ready to start your own website yet, then affiliate marketing could be a good starting point. Most large companies have affiliate programmes, so there will be something for anybody to promote. Nike, Amazon and Clickbank are just a few of many.

Nike affiliate programme,

✔️ Amazon affiliates,


Monetize your social media accounts.

If you have a social media account with a large following, you can get paid to promote products on your profile. The most popular platform for this is Instagram, which allows users to make money by promoting products or services through posts that link directly to the company’s website or landing page.

You’ll want to check the guidelines for each platform before doing this—for example, Twitter has specific rules about how much advertising you can post (no more than one tweet per day)—but if these are followed carefully and people like what they see, it’s easy money.

Article writing.

If you enjoy writing then this could be the one for you.  There are numerous sites out there where you can start bidding for jobs. The most common ones include:


✔️ Upwork,


Select the ones you want to work with and register an account. Most sites will then request that you set up a personal profile with information about yourself, your skills and what kind of articles you write. Once this is complete you can then start bidding on jobs or wait for clients to bid on yours.

No need to own a website.

There are many ways to make money online that do not involve owning a website. But if you’re looking for a way to generate consistent income from your laptop or phone, it’s probably best to invest in your own domain at least.

It’s very possible that you have already found success as an internet entrepreneur without having ever launched a website. Maybe it was through freelance writing or hosting live video streams on platforms like Periscope and Twitch, or through participating in affiliate marketing programs

Regardless of how you got, or how you are getting started making money online, in order to succeed long-term, it is advised that you start thinking about building and creating your own website.

But for now, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


“The longer you’re not taking action the more money you’re losing” -Carrie Wilkerson


Now that you know the basics of how to make money without a website, your journey towards becoming a digital entrepreneur is just beginning. There are many ways to make money online, but it takes time and effort to earn money with each method. If this short guide was helpful in any way, please share it with others who may be interested in the same thing.

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Morgan Lewis

P.S If you want to know the common mistakes to avoid when starting an online business, then download my PDF here.