How To Turn Off Double Opt In Aweber

How To Turn Off Double Opt In Aweber

In this post, I show how to turn off double opt in Aweber.  This can be handy especially if you want to start a new list in Aweber, which has no initial subscribers. Sometimes it is good to have a double opt-in as this may increase the ‘quality’ of your subscribers, however, if you do not want your subscribers to double opt-in then either watch the video or read the transcript.

Read the transcript here.

How To Turn Off Double Opt In Aweber. If you’ve used AWeber, sometimes your subscribers have got a double opt in. You may want that, or you may not want that. If you use an API, sometimes you can’t turn it off until AWeber see some activity on your account. You can phone them up, and you can ask them to turn it off, which I’ve done, which is a bit of a pain. There is a way around it using HTML form, which I’ll show in this video. I’m using ClickFunnels and AWeber.

Clickfunnels and Aweber

Now, as you can see, I’m in my ClickFunnels’ account at the moment. So this is the simple squeeze page that I want to use. I use ClickFunnels. They are the ones available. But this one will just show you how to integrate this squeeze page to an AWeber account. This is my AWeber account. I’ve created a list already. I’m not going to go through how to create a list on AWeber. Google out there. That’ll help you how to create a list on AWeber.

So what I want to do is, I want to integrate this little squeeze page with my AWeber list. Now, what I found out previously – and you may be having the same problem – if you integrate this with AWeber and if you use ClickFunnels’ API, what you’ll find is, when people put in their email address, it will say that they’ve subscribed but subscription is pending or something like that.

So they’ve got to go back and confirm they want to opt-in to your list, which is how I suppose. But I was finding a lot of people weren’t doing that. So I was getting people to put their email address in, and they were either forgetting or not bothering. So I wasn’t getting as many emails on my list as I wanted.

No Need to Keep Phoning Aweber.

So what you can do is you can phone up AWeber, and they will turn off. It may take a couple of times. But they may ask you for details. They may ask to see if they’ve got activity on the account first before they do it, which is alright. But if I want to make a few more lists, I don’t want to keep phoning them up and relying on them. So after a bit of searching and a bit of help, this is what I found. I can do and this is what you can do.

So I’ve created a list. Let’s call it “Affiliate Ebook”. This squeeze page is going to link to a list. It doesn’t link yet. They’re going to get an e-book sent to them. So at the moment, I was going to show you, when they put their email address in there, it’s going to come as a subscriber bypassing the double opt-in.

Create Sign Up Form

What you want to do is, get your list up here to create a list. Then you want to go into signup forms. So you may not see a signup form. What we’re gonna do is create a signup form. This comes up. Now, with this one what I found was after a bit of trial and ever, this is the normal one you can use. To keep it the same congruent, this squeeze page has got “Enter Email Address”. No name! So get rid of “I am” in a way. So if you’ve got the same as me, just delete the name. And I was got email and email. So it’s not gonna expect a name. So just an email and an email.

Go to step two. So you can call this what you want. I’ll call it an e-book, something like that. And I’ve got this. So now, you can leave that as it is. Save my form.

Install My Form

Go to step three. Now you will get this now: I Will Install My Form; My Web Designer Will Install My Form; or Use My Form as a Landing Page. Click on, “I Will Install My Form”. Now you get this: JavaScript snippet or Raw HTML version. Uncheck that. Now, what you want to do is, go into your squeeze page here, go to settings, go to integrations. At the most, not connected. So select integration, go to null HTML Form. That’s what you want. Click on there. Select this integration, HTML Integrate Existing Form (Add HTML Below).

You will see this. Now this here is where you want to put this stuff here. Raw HTML, uncheck that. Now, don’t put all of this in. You want to go from Form. I don’t put any of this stuff in. Go to this Form bit here where it says, “a script”, ignore that stuff. You want to go from Form all the way up to Form there. So don’t add in. So it’s down to there. Where it goes, “Script type”, ignore that. Just go Form and go up and go to that. CTRL+C, come over here, CTRL+V, hit internet. So all that is just all of that code in here. Come down to Parse & Save.

HTML Form Connected

And then what I found is do that. Click off it. So now integration, to now it tells you that it’s there. Look, you can remove it if it doesn’t work. Try it again. But now, I’m connected via this HTML form, which is this form here. Don’t forget to press Save. Press the Save, press EXIT. It’ll go back now to my squeeze-page page.

Here’s my AWeber account. We’ve done that. I’m going to go now to list options, list settings. I’ll just show you this. This is where you can do all of this. I won’t go through these, because you can just add things in here. I’ll go to the confirmation message. Scroll to the bottom.

Turn Confirmation Off

Now this here, look. This may be on with you. Send the confirmation for AWeber signup forms. Turn that off. Turn it off, if on. Make sure that’s off. Now this one, you used to be able to turn this off as well. But now you can’t. You’ve got to request a change. That’s where you have to phone up and say, “Please, Mr. AWeber or Mrs. AWeber, can you turn the API off?” And they go, “Yeah, okay, but give us some details first. Let’s see some activity.” So you can’t change that, but you can change that. So turn that off, turn that off. Save Settings. Okay.

I’ll go back now to my dashboard. Dashboard, Affiliate Ebook, subscribers. Hopefully, I haven’t got any subscribers. I haven’t got any.

Testing It All Works

So now the proof is in the pudding. This is my little squeeze page. Now, this is not linked. I am going to link this perhaps in the future to a list, a follow up list, or the offer. But at the moment, I haven’t done that. I’m just going to show you how to get the subscribers go in. That’s a squeeze page. That’s my email address, which I’m going to test myself. So that one is my test one for this.

So just Gmail account. So when I click on this now, ideally in the future, I’m going to link this, so it goes to a bit more information, the checkout page, where they can download this eBook. But the moment, it’s just going to go to Thank you for subscribing. Doesn’t exciting.

Now hopefully, that now will come up as a subscriber here. In the past, if you’d link with the API, it’ll come up as a subscriber but depending until they confirm they want to subscribe. There’s a double opt-in. So hopefully, what I’ve just done will be there as subscriber. So, it didn’t ask for the name, but there’s the email address.

No Double Opt In.

They’ve now subscribed. So they have on my list and I can follow up with them. Previously, they had a double opt-in to get to that status. But if you go and integrate with the HTML Form just like that, get the form, make sure you put the email bit by there, then they won’t have to double opt-in. So you can build your list a bit quicker and a bit more because they haven’t got to go back to that second setting.

So that is the way you can integrate AWeber and ClickFunnels and how to turn off double opt in Aweber.

I hope that this article will help you integrate your funnel software with your autoresponder.

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Morgan Lewis

P.S If you want to know the common mistakes to avoid when starting an online business, then download my PDF here.