How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas
Imagine this scenario: You’ve read every blog post out there about content marketing and SEO you’ve got your Google Analytics hooked up to your site, you’ve installed a heatmap plugin and you’re even tracking your conversion rates. But you still find yourself running out of content ideas for your website and wonder how to never run out of content ideas.
You get frustrated, sit down in front of the computer and start writing down everything that comes to mind. You have no direction, but you write anyway hoping that “something good will come out of it.”
Sound familiar?
The problem is that most people don’t know how to find the right content ideas for their website or blog.
I know this because I was once one of those people.
And I want to walk you through exactly how I did it.
If you want to create content that builds your business, it’s critical that you create content consistently.
This means coming up with different ideas for blog posts or website pages on a regular basis.
The problem is that many people run out of ideas quickly:
“I don’t know what to write about!” Or “I’ve already written about all the topics I can think of.”
One way to get past this roadblock is to use a proven system for creating content.
When it comes to content marketing, publishing enough valuable and interesting content can be a struggle. It requires good research, lots of time and creativity. Not to mention that it takes time for the content to start working.
According to HubSpot, it takes about four months for a blog post to generate 50% of its total traffic.
If you want to keep your audience engaged and entertained, you’ll have to come up with new ideas regularly.
To help you with that, I have gathered some tips from my fellow marketers on how they get inspired and come up with new ideas for their websites and blog.
Quality and SEO
Quality content goes hand in hand with search engine optimization (SEO) and is essential to the growth of any online business that wants visitors and customers.
In addition to search engines, quality content will make you a more trusted source, which can lead to more sales, higher conversion rates and increased customer loyalty.
Quality content can also help you build links from other websites as well as get your name out there on social media.
But once you’ve created a content strategy and shared your best tips, how do you continually generate new ideas that will keep your audience engaged?
This is a question that gets asked a lot. And it’s not an easy one to answer, because the answer depends on your business.
The content you produce to drive traffic, leads, and sales for your business is unique to you.
So how do you generate ideas that are relevant and interesting to your customers?
How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas.
One of the best things you can do is start thinking like a publisher. This doesn’t mean you have to create tons of content like a publishing company would.
But if you think like a publisher, you’ll start seeing ideas everywhere.
Where do those ideas come from? Let’s take a look at some of the most common sources of content ideas:
Every business owner knows the importance of fresh content on their company’s website. But how do you come up with this content?
Below are three blog post ideas that can help you produce new content for your website or blog.
Create a “How to” Blog Post
Do you have a product or service that requires some explanation? A how-to post is a perfect way to explain how your product or service is used. You may want to consider creating a video tutorial instead of a written blog post.
Create an Interview Blog Post
Interviewing someone who has expertise in your industry is an easy way to create a new blog post. This person can be an employee, customer or industry leader. You can also interview experts within your own organization and publish these interviews as blog posts. If you’re not comfortable using video, record the interview and publish it as an audio file along with the written transcript of the interview.
Create a Resource List Blog Post
What websites and blogs do you visit on a regular basis? What tools do you use in your business? Create a list of these resources and include them in a blog post. This will provide added value to your readers, so they won’t have to search for this information on their own.
The Well Has Not Run Dry.
It’s easy to run out of content ideas, especially if you’re a blogger. The points above should help you get out of the so-called ‘writer’s block.’
You might even think that the “well has run dry,” that you’ve written about everything there is to write about your niche.
But I’m here to tell you that’s not true.
There are still plenty of fresh angles to take, as long as you know how to look for them.
I hope that this article will help you find the inspiration for your next big idea.
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Morgan Lewis
P.S If you want to know the common mistakes to avoid when starting an online business, then download my PDF here.